Indoor Meetings Programme


We meet at 7.30 pm, on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) in the hall of St Matthews C of E Primary School, Langley Road, Surbiton, KT6 6LW. We welcome non-members to our meetings.


17 September – Chris Collins: Birds and Wildlife of Guyana

Chris has been a member of SDBWS for many years. He is a freelance ornithologist and has worked on a wide range of bird and wildlife-related projects around the world. He owns two tour companies, Wildwings and Limosa and continues to lead bird and wildlife tours himself to diverse destinations. During his travels he has seen over 5,500 bird species, including almost 90% of the world’s seabirds during many pelagic trips. In addition to leading tours, he regularly gives lectures to groups in the UK and overseas. During this talk, Chris will be showing us the birds and wildlife he has encountered during his trips to Guyana.



15 Oct AGM: followed by Guest Speaker
19 Nov Andrew Cleave: Birds of the South Coast
10 Dec Members’ Slides


Please make an effort to join our meetings. They are the best way of keeping in touch.