Records Archive

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Date Site Species Count Comment Observer
26 Jul 2024 Surbiton (St Marks Hill) Peregrine 1 St Mark's Church steeple.12 00 o'clock John Gale
23 Jul 2024 Surbiton (St Marks Hill) Peregrine 1 St Mark's Church steeple today 11.15am John Gale
22 Jul 2024 Long Ditton (Ditton Hill Road) Coal Tit 2 On feeders and roosting in adjacent conifer all morning and early afternoon Monica Marriott
21 Jul 2024 Epsom Common Bullfinch 2 Singing males paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Epsom Common Common Whitethroat 2 Young paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Epsom Common Green Woodpecker 3 Family party paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Epsom Common (Stew Pond) Mandarin Duck 6 3 females and 3 young paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Epsom Common (Stew Pond) Peregrine 1 Flew over ponds towards Rushett Farm from water tower paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Canada Goose 11 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Coot 39 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Egyptian Goose 6 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Gadwall 37 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Great Crested Grebe 1 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Mallard 4 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Mute Swan 2 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Hampton FB Tufted Duck 53 WeBS Grand Junction Res White M
21 Jul 2024 Horton CP Treecreeper 1 paul spencer
21 Jul 2024 Island Barn Res Common Sandpiper 4 Snell J
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Canada Goose 4 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Coot 23 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Gadwall 3 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Great Crested Grebe 2 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Grey Heron 1 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Lapwing 16 WeBS White M
21 Jul 2024 Kempton NR Little Egret 2 WeBS White M