Data protection policy

Data Protection Policy

Organisations are required by law to protect and securely store personal data.

The following personal data is held by the SDBWS:

Names, addresses, landline & mobile phone numbers and email addresses (where these have been supplied) and subscription payment details.

For reports of birds seen, the SDBWS keeps names of those submitting records and email addresses when supplied by the reportee. Names, addresses and contact details are held for those submitting bird records by post.

Personal data will be held securely by the following for the purpose of SDBWS administration:

  • Membership Secretary
  • Treasurer (payment information)
  • Newsletter distribution team (email addresses for those receiving digital copies; postal addresses for those receiving hard copies)
  • Leaders of Society bird surveys (limited to names and contact details of team members)
  • Members of the SDBWS Management Committee and Records Sub-Committee (on a ‘need to know’ basis only)

Members can ask to see the data we hold for you.

We only ask for information relevant to the membership and administration of SDBWS.

We shall ensure that personal data is used fairly and lawfully to administer SDBWS activities.

The information provided will be used to inform members of the activities, events, meetings and any other matter relating to the Society.

Data provided to third parties is as follows:

Surrey Bird Club and LNHS receive names of reportees only, associated with selected bird records.

Recipients of SDBWS survey results (names of contributors only, except where additional information has been supplied by members who submit survey records by post)

The Membership Secretary also liaises with the Warden of Hogsmill Nature Reserve (ie verifies eligibility of SDBWS members who have applied for free membership of the Hogsmill /Kempton Nature Reserves under the current scheme).


External Sites used by the SDBWS to store Society data:

Society website hosted by tsoHost who utilise secure data centres

Storegate for storage of bird club records and surveys (including names of contributors)

Google Drive for Management Committee and Records Sub-Committee administrative purposes

Access to the Google Account is password protected for those members acting as administrators and data files are stored in secure data centres.

Changes and cancellation of membership:

Members should inform us of any changes to personal details so that the data we hold is both accurate and up to date.

If you cancel or do not renew your membership, your details will be removed from the SDBWS database.